Thursday, 18 August 2011

I'm back.....well kind of......

You know the best of intentions....well....I have no real excuse for not being back on here....just got busy with work and was so a quick post today.....then maybe another in a day or two when I get some photos off the camera.

Thank you for your comments - I am indeed lucky to live on 5 acres, but it's a lot of work and I'm afraid I have no idea how to make jam (I'm barely housetrained & leave that to hubby - maybe he knows lol).  I am looking forward to when our native trees & shrubs get going & the house isn't sitting like a blob on the landscape....will try for some better photos for a later post....

I now have 9 trees in my 'orchard' - 3 pears, 2 apples, 3 plums and a fig.  As it's 2 weeks to spring, I've done all the planting I plan on doing this year and may add to the 'orchard' next year.  There's also been some more native euaclypts added to eventually give us some privacy.

'Winters Tale"
I'm still working on my main hardanger piece and am helping some local sewers with the 'winters tale' (see last blog post).  Here is my sample piece (in case they wanted to back out) may notice it's in my favourite colour of blue.  I thought this was a good design that would give the group something they can display at the end.....It's done on hardanger fabric in no 5 & no 8 perle.

On the crochet front, I'm working on my 3rd & final baby blanket in Panda 4ply baby lustre.  It's good having something to work on at lunch (gets my eyes away from the computer).  I think I read somewhere this yarn was being dis-continued, so I'm using some of the inherited stash as I don't think this yarn is soft enough for clothing (maybe that's just me, but a blanket should be ok).  (There are no grandchildren on the horizon, but building a stash for daughters & any of their friends)

Wherever you are and whatever you are doing - having a safe and happy week........

~ Karen ~ :)

Monday, 1 August 2011

at last the trees......

above are my fruit trees - 3 pears, 2 apples, a fig & 2 plums.  All have been mulched ready for the warmer weather.  It's a bit hard to tell what type of trees they are without leaves, but once they do have leaves, I'll post another photo.

What a busy couple of weeks....I didn't realise it had been so long since I'd been on here....

You may have noticed I changed the top picture.....I found some software from when I bought my scanner.  It  allows you to put photos together, so ta-dah - my own craft collage.  One downside - all the photos work better if they are either all portrait or landscape. 

Not a lot to speak of craft wise - a bit more work on the hardanger piece in the previous post, I've started the Winters Tale ( - then search for 'winters tale').  It's a lovely little hardanger bell, perfect for the Christmas tree, although mine is blue & white.  Also finished a 4 ply blanket using previously used yarn (more from the inherited stash), but loads of threads to end off (yarn had been used already & was in small balls).  Now I've got another blanket in the same yarn (but un-used this time) just to have something on the go for my lunch break.....

We've had glorious weather, but 31 sleeps to spring officially....I'm so looking forward to more light morning & night & being able to get out in the garden after work.

I hope all is well in your corner of the world.....:)

til next time......Karen