Thank you for your comments - I am indeed lucky to live on 5 acres, but it's a lot of work and I'm afraid I have no idea how to make jam (I'm barely housetrained & leave that to hubby - maybe he knows lol). I am looking forward to when our native trees & shrubs get going & the house isn't sitting like a blob on the landscape....will try for some better photos for a later post....
I now have 9 trees in my 'orchard' - 3 pears, 2 apples, 3 plums and a fig. As it's 2 weeks to spring, I've done all the planting I plan on doing this year and may add to the 'orchard' next year. There's also been some more native euaclypts added to eventually give us some privacy.
'Winters Tale" |
On the crochet front, I'm working on my 3rd & final baby blanket in Panda 4ply baby lustre. It's good having something to work on at lunch (gets my eyes away from the computer). I think I read somewhere this yarn was being dis-continued, so I'm using some of the inherited stash as I don't think this yarn is soft enough for clothing (maybe that's just me, but a blanket should be ok). (There are no grandchildren on the horizon, but building a stash for daughters & any of their friends)
Wherever you are and whatever you are doing - having a safe and happy week........
~ Karen ~ :)